Correctional Clinic
Treatment Overview
Areas we treat
Upper Face
Lumpy temple filler, Under eye lumps, Under eye Tyndall effect (blue/grey hue to the under eye skin), Filler bulging under eye
Mid Face
Overfilled cheeks, Over-prominent cheekbones, Puffy overfilled naso-labial area
Lower Face
Boxy sharp angled jawline, Pointy chin, Migrated lip filler
Other Areas
Scarring, Hyperpigmentation, Adverse skin reactions
Note – Full patient assessment including medical history screening is imperative to determine whether our correctional clinic will be the most suitable service
Treatment Time
1 hour+ treatment dependant
Completed by
HCPC, BSc (Hons) registered practitioner
Review appointment included
24/7 emergency line for post treatment
Parking facilities available
About our correctional clinic
What is our correctional clinic and how can our services help?
Our correctional clinic has been developed due an increasing amount of patients we see on a weekly basis who have had poor aesthetic services carried out.
With our medical knowledge and expertise, we have helped restore hundreds of patients natural looks, help them to regain their confidence back and most importantly educate and create a sound mind of their opinion surrounding the world of aesthetics.
Our ethos is to deliver safe results that are research driven and in line with professional protocols.
How long does it take?
A detailed consultation and a full medical history screening will be carried out to assess the area(s) in question. Discussions including expectations for the treatment and any questions will be addressed.
The treatment time can vary depending on the concern(s) and how many areas are treated. Typically an appointment including consultation time is expected to last 1 hour.
How long does it last?
The effects of correctional clinic vary from patient to patient. This is heavily dependent on what the concern is and how it can be addressed. But typically patients can expect improvements to the area(s) of concern within 1-2 weeks.
Is there any downtime?
Almost all patients can resume their normal activities post procedure.
Aftercare instructions are given post treatment. Please follow our recommended protocol to ensure you maximise the longevity of your results.
Price & Booking
How much does it cost and How can I book?
Some prices for this service are based on assessment.
Book an appointment to explore our expert services in Wigan to help you feel back to your best physical and mental self with our correctional clinic.
Before & Afters